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This is your opportunity to take a stand that says children deserve to be safe, happy and healthy. So it is our duty as adults to do our part to see that this happens. It is impossible to be with your children 24 hours a day, but you can teach them life saving security techniques to follow when you can't be with them. The use of simple, inexpensive, personal safety products can't afford to be underrated in the dangerous world we live in. We can't afford to say, "This will never happen to my family." We have to take all preventive measures available to us now. For a limited time you can take advantage of our special offer or you can order personal products separately.
Order products separately or take advantage of our special limited offer below
Child's ID DNA Kit
Includes 2 Free Whistles
Security Whistles
Includes 5 Whistles
Magnum Pepper Spray
Includes 1 Free Whistle
VIPTek Stun Gun
Includes Holster & 1 Whistle

You can order Security Whistles separately above. They are great for your own children or to give away to others.
You can order Security Whistles separately above. They are great for your own children or to give away to others.
Stun guns are legal in most cities and states. We do not ship to. Illegal areas: HI, NY, NJ, IL RI, MI, WI, Anapolis, MD, Craeford County, IA, Baltimore, MD, DC, Philadelphia, PA, and all U.S. Virgin Islands. We do not ship outside of the U.S.